
Bardoel, S. L., Hoch, S., Ruiz‐Plancarte, J., Lenain, L., Gultepe, I., Grachev, A. A., Gaberšek, S., Wang, Q., & Fernando, H. J. S. (2024). Study of fog dissipation in an internal boundary layer on Sable Island. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, qj.4891.
Blaser, A., Benamran, R., Villas Bôas, A. B., Lenain, L., & Pizzo, N. (2024). Momentum, energy and vorticity balances in deep-water surface gravity waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 997, A55.
Saenger, R., Lenain, L., & Hodgkiss, W. S. (2024). Mid-frequency acoustic tracking of breaking waves. JASA Express Letters, 4(6), 066001.
Andriatis, A., Lenain, L., Alford, M. H., Winstead, N., & Geiman, J. (2024). Observations and Numerical Simulations of the Onset and Growth of Langmuir Circulations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54(8), 1737–1763.
Wagner, G. L., Pizzo, N., Lenain, L., & Veron, F. (2023). Transition to turbulence in wind-drift layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 976, A8.
Saenger, R., Lenain, L., & Hodgkiss, W. S. (2023). Mid-frequency acoustic localization of breaking waves. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(4), 2564–2571.
DeFilippis, J. P., Cornuelle, B. D., Lucas, A. J., Hodgkiss, W. S., Lenain, L., Kuperman, W. A., & Alford, M. H. (2023). Observations and simulations of caustic formation due to oceanographic fine structure. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(3), 1372–1388.
Freilich, M., Lenain, L., & Gille, S. T. (2023). Characterizing the Role of Non‐Linear Interactions in the Transition to Submesoscale Dynamics at a Dense Filament. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(15), e2023GL103745.
Lenain, L., Smeltzer, B. K., Pizzo, N., Freilich, M., Colosi, L., Ellingsen, S. Å., Grare, L., Peyriere, H., & Statom, N. (2023). Airborne Remote Sensing of Upper‐Ocean and Surface Properties, Currents and Their Gradients From Meso to Submesoscales. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(8), e2022GL102468.
Pizzo, N., Lenain, L., Rømcke, O., Ellingsen, S. Å., & Smeltzer, B. K. (2023). The role of Lagrangian drift in the geometry, kinematics and dynamics of surface waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 954, R4.
Colosi, L., Pizzo, N., Grare, L., Statom, N., & Lenain, L. (2023). Observations of Surface Gravity Wave Spectra from Moving Platforms. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40(10), 1153–1169.
Hodges, B. A., Grare, L., Greenwood, B., Matsuyoshi, K., Pizzo, N., Statom, N. M., Farrar, J. T., & Lenain, L. (2023). Evaluation of Ocean Currents Observed from Autonomous Surface Vehicles. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 40(10), 1121–1136.
Vrećica, T., Pizzo, N., & Lenain, L. (2022). Airborne Observations of Shoaling and Breaking Internal Waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(21).
Boas, A. B. V., Lenain, L., Cornuelle, B. D., Gille, S. T., & Mazloff, M. R. (2022). A broadband view of the sea surface height wavenumber spectrum. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(4).
VreĆica, T., Pizzo, N., & Lenain, L. (2022). Observations of Strongly Modulated Surface Wave and Wave Breaking Statistics at a Submesoscale Front. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(2), 289–304.
Sinnis, J. T., Grare, L., Lenain, L., & Pizzo, N. (2021). Laboratory studies of the role of bandwidth in surface transport and energy dissipation of deep-water breaking waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 927, A5.
Haney, S. R., Simpson, A. J., McSweeney, J. M., Waterhouse, A. F., Haller, M. C., Lerczak, J. A., Barth, J. A., Lenain, L., Paloczy, A., Adams, K., & MacKinnon, J. A. (2021). Lifecycle of a submesoscale front birthed from a nearshore internal bore. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(11), 3477–3493.
Grare, L., Statom, N. M., Pizzo, N., & Lenain, L. (2021). Instrumented Wave Gliders for Air-Sea Interaction and Upper Ocean Research. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 664728.
Abdalla, S., Kolahchi, A. A., Ablain, M., Adusumilli, S., Bhowmick, S. A., Alou-Font, E., Amarouche, L., Andersen, O. B., Antich, H., Aouf, L., Arbic, B., Armitage, T., Arnault, S., Artana, C., Aulicino, G., Ayoub, N., Badulin, S., Baker, S., Banks, C., … Zlotnicki, V. (2021). Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress. Advances in Space Research, 68(2), 319–363.
Lenain, L., & Pizzo, N. (2021). Modulation of surface gravity waves by internal waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography.
Kumar, N., Lerczak, J. A., Xu, T. T., Waterhouse, A. F., Thomson, J., Terrill, E. J., Swann, C., Suanda, S. H., Spydell, M. S., Smit, P. B., Simpson, A., Romeiser, R., Pierce, S. D., de Paolo, T., Paloczy, A., O’Dea, A., Nyman, L., Moum, J. N., Moulton, M., … Ahn, S. (2021). The Inner-Shelf Dynamics Experiment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(5), E1033–E1063.
Pizzo, N., Murray, E., Smith, D. L., & Lenain, L. (2021). The role of bandwidth in setting the breaking slope threshold of deep-water focusing wave packets. Physics of Fluids, 33(11), 111706.
Lenain, L., & Pizzo, N. (2020). The Contribution of High-Frequency Wind-Generated Surface Waves to the Stokes Drift. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50(12), 3455–3465.
Lenain, L., Statom, N. M., & Melville, W. K. (2019). Airborne measurements of surface wind and slope statistics over the ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(11), 2799–2814.
Lenain, L., Pizzo, N., & Melville, W. K. (2019). Laboratory studies of Lagrangian transport by breaking surface waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876.
Grare, L., Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2018). Vertical profiles of the wave-induced airflow above ocean surface waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48(12), 2901–2922.
Young, A. P., Flick, R. E., Gallien, T. W., Giddings, S. N., Guza, R. T., Harvey, M., Lenain, L., Ludka, B. C., Melville, W. K., & O’Reilly, W. C. (2018). Southern California coastal response to the 2015–2016 El Niño. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(11), 3069–3083.
Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2017). Measurements of the Directional Spectrum across the Equilibrium Saturation Ranges of Wind-Generated Surface Waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(8), 2123–2138.
Deike, L., Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2017). Air entrainment by breaking waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(8), 3779–3787.
Romero, L., Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2017). Observations of surface wave-current interaction. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(3), 615–632.
Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2017). Evidence of sea-state dependence of aerosol concentration in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47(1), 69–84.
Bresnahan, P. J., Wirth, T., Martz, T. R., Andersson, A. J., Cyronak, T., D’Angelo, S., Pennise, J., Melville, W. K., Lenain, L., & Statom, N. (2016). A sensor package for mapping pH and oxygen from mobile platforms. Methods in Oceanography, 17, 1–13.
Grare, L., Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2016). The influence of wind direction on Campbell Scientific CSAT3 and Gill R3-50 sonic anemometer measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33(11), 2477–2497.
Reineman, B. D., Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2016). The use of ship-launched fixed-wing UAVs for measuring the marine atmospheric boundary layer and ocean surface processes. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33(9), 2029–2052.
Melville, W. K., Lenain, L., Cayan, D. R., Kahru, M., Kleissl, J. P., Linden, P. F., & Statom, N. M. (2016). The Modular Aerial Sensing System. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33(6), 1169–1184.
Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2014). Autonomous surface vehicle measurements of the ocean’s response to Tropical Cyclone Freda. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31(10), 2169–2190.
Clark, D. B., Lenain, L., Feddersen, F., Boss, E., & Guza, R. T. (2014). Aerial imaging of fluorescent dye in the near shore. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31(6), 1410–1421.
Grare, L., Lenain, L., & Melville, W. K. (2013). Wave-coherent airflow and critical layers over ocean waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43(10), 2156–2172.
Reineman, B. D., Lenain, L., Statom, N. M., & Melville, W. K. (2013). Development and testing of instrumentation for UAV-based flux measurements within terrestrial and marine atmospheric boundary layers. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30(7), 1295–1319.
Dickey, T., Banner, M. L., Bhandari, P., Boyd, T., Carvalho, L., Chang, G., Chao, Y., Czerski, H., Darecki, M., Dong, C., Farmer, D., Freeman, S., Gemmrich, J., Gernez, P., Hall-Patch, N., Holt, B., Jiang, S., Jones, C., Kattawar, G., … Zappa, C. J. (2012). Introduction to special section on Recent Advances in the Study of Optical Variability in the Near-Surface and Upper Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117.
Huang, Z. C., Reineman, B. D., Lenain, L., Melville, W. K., & Middleton, J. H. (2012). Airborne lidar measurements of wave energy dissipation in a coral reef lagoon system. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117.
Huang, Z. C., Lenain, L., Melville, W. K., Middleton, J. H., Reineman, B., Statom, N., & McCabe, R. M. (2012). Dissipation of wave energy and turbulence in a shallow coral reef lagoon. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117.
Veron, F., Melville, W. K., & Lenain, L. (2011). The Effects of Small-Scale Turbulence on Air-Sea Heat Flux. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41(1), 205–220.
McCabe, R. M., Estrade, P., Middleton, J. H., Melville, W. K., Roughan, M., & Lenain, L. (2010). Temperature variability in a shallow, tidally isolated coral reef lagoon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 115(C12), 2009JC006023.
Reineman, B. D., Lenain, L., Castel, D., & Melville, W. K. (2009). A Portable Airborne Scanning Lidar System for Ocean and Coastal Applications. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26(12), 2626–2641.
Veron, F., Melville, W. K., & Lenain, L. (2009). Measurements of Ocean Surface Turbulence and Wave–Turbulence Interactions. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(9), 2310–2323.
Drazen, D. A., Melville, W. K., & Lenain, L. (2008). Inertial scaling of dissipation in unsteady breaking waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 611, 307–332.
Veron, F., Melville, W. K., & Lenain, L. (2008). Wave-coherent air-sea heat flux. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38(4), 788–802.
Veron, F., Melville, W. K., & Lenain, L. (2008). Infrared techniques for measuring ocean surface processes. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25(2), 307–326.